Jenner & Block is an industry leader in diversity, equity, and inclusion, and yet there is so much more to be done in the firm and in the industry to truly reflect the diversity of our communities. Here, we share recognition for our DEI work and our initiatives to grow the next generation of diverse legal professionals.

Pipelines Lead the Way for Diverse Young Lawyers to Join Jenner & Block and Make an Impact 

Jenner & Block supports pipelines providing paths for diverse candidates into the legal profession, as part of our work to make the legal profession more closely resemble the communities in which we live. 

Fifty-four law students participated in the 2022 summer associate class, including 14 diverse fellows from a variety of pipeline programs. Seven of these fellows were students about to begin their first year of law school who participated through the Seizing Every Opportunity (SEO) Law Fellowship program. The remaining fellows recently completed their first year of law school and were former SEO Fellows returning for a brief visit at the firm or participated through the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity’s (LCLD) 1L LCLD Scholars Program or the Federal Communications Bar Association’s Diversity Pipeline Program. Through this program, which was a new partnership for the firm, diverse law students are helped with internship placements, academic enrichment, and mentoring with leading law firms, companies, trade associations, and non-profit organizations in the technology, media, and telecom sector. Jenner & Block is among 13 participating law firms.    

In addition to LCLD’s 1L LCLD Scholars Program, Jenner & Block also participates in the organization’s Pathfinders Program to advance and support diverse mid-level associates and their flagship Fellows Program, which connects diverse junior partners with leaders at companies and provides opportunities for business development and professional growth.  

In 2021, we expanded our pipeline work to the UK by joining NOTICED, the UK’s first inter-firm diversity network aimed at promoting networking opportunities to integrate, celebrate, and educate on diversity across the legal sector. Nic Patmore, a NOTICED steering committee member, said Jenner & Block is “committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion and building a work environment where everyone feels respected. The firm’s participation in discussions on how we can improve ethnic diversity in the legal profession and promote a better understanding of race will be a great benefit.” 

Helping Our Clients Create Safe and Inclusive Workplaces  

Even before the #MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements, Jenner & Block was counseling organizations on how to create a culture that fosters gender and racial equity and inclusion, and how to reset after challenging problems arise. Now, with increasingly intense scrutiny from employees, shareholders, regulators, and the general public, we have launched a new team to help companies and their boards assess and fix their cultures.   

“We figure out what’s really going on in an organization, rather than narrowly assessing whether there is a legal claim,” said Partner Christine Braamskamp, who co-chairs the new Culture Risk and Sensitive Investigations Practice with Partner Anne Cortina Perry.  

The group conducts sensitive, complex, and highly confidential investigations with thoroughness and sensitivity, and then helps the organization change its culture to prevent future incidents.   

“It is our goal to provide companies and their leaders with pragmatic, actionable advice to promote a positive corporate culture – one that is not only compliant, but also healthy, inclusive, and productive,” Anne said. Listen to Anne discuss the new practice on the Jabot podcast

Dru Levasseur

Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the National LGBT Bar Association and Foundation

Meaningful Trainings Advance DEI Efforts

Jenner & Block is committed to training lawyers and staff, providing vital tools to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives throughout the firm.  

In the past year, the DEI Department has offered a range of training including sessions on “Best Practices for Working with LGBTQ+ Clients” and “Recruitment and Retention of LGBTQ+ Lawyers” presented by Dru Levasseur, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the National LGBT Bar Association and Foundation. The department also provided training on how to embrace generational differences and resolve conflict, presented by Chris DeSantis, a speaker specializing in workplace interventions.  

In an event aimed at combating hate and injustice, Joanna Mendelson of the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, discussed the impact of the 2021 social and political landscape on extremist activity, the significant challenges ahead, and what the legal community can do to help. 

The firm continues to partner with Paradigm REACH, a virtual training platform built by diversity, equity, and inclusion experts, to offer DEI training on demand. Through REACH, we continue to promote self-education throughout the firm as a learning journey, not a one-time initiative. 

Joe Torres Continues More Than 20-Year Commitment to Supporting Latino Law Students 

Partner Joe Torres first began serving on the board of the Hispanic Lawyers Scholarship Fund of Illinois in 2001. Over the last 21 years, Joe has championed  Latino law students through numerous initiatives, including the creation of the Jenner & Block LLP and Joseph J. Torres Scholarship in 2021. Analy Ayala Blanco, a second-year law student at the University of Illinois College of Law, received the scholarship in 2022.

National Law Journal Ranks Firm Best in Nation on LGBT Scorecard and Boosts Diversity Ranking

Jenner & Block secured the top spot nationwide in the National Law Journal’s LGBT Scorecard and jumped 25 places to rank 57th in their Diversity Scorecard. Our rankings show the success of our committed and deliberate diversity, equity, and inclusion work over recent years. 

Jenner & Block Wins Award for Best Places to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation recognized the firm as one of the Best Places to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality for the 17th consecutive year. The firm scored 100% on the Foundation’s 2022 Corporate Equality Index.

WILEF Again Recognizes Jenner & Block’s Leadership in Supporting Women in Law 

For the eighth year, the Women in Law Empowerment Forum awarded Jenner & Block its Gold Standard Certification. The certification honors the firm for meeting all six of WILEF’s criteria regarding the status of women in leadership positions. 

Diversity Lab Names Jenner & Block Among 2021 “Inclusion Champions”   

Jenner & Block’s firm leadership team and Investigations, Compliance, and Defense Practice Group were named a “2021 Inclusion Champion” by Diversity Lab for their actions to ensure all lawyers have ample and equal access to career advancement opportunities.

Jenner & Block Maintains “Mansfield Plus” Certification  

Jenner & Block is proud of its longstanding commitment to the Diversity Lab's Mansfield Rule program, having been one of the 30 leading law firms to participate in its 2017 pilot and receiving Mansfield certification in 2018. The firm maintained its Mansfield Plus Certification in September 2021, a recognition it has held since 2019. The Mansfield Rule asks law firms to affirmatively consider at least 30 percent women, lawyers of color, LGBTQ+ lawyers, and lawyers with disabilities for key leadership roles and lateral hires.