Welcome to the 21st edition of our annual diversity report, Equal Time!   

As you navigate this digital experience, you will see how far we have progressed on our path towards greater diversity, equity, and inclusion, and you will read about some of our successes from the past year.   

Our Management and Policy Committees are more diverse than ever. More diverse lawyers are leading our key practices. More diverse young lawyers are making an impact. And we are attracting more diverse people to the firm through our pipeline programs and guiding them on a path to leadership.   

These developments mark milestones on our path towards fulfilling the pledges we made to the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity to achieve measurable change and to hold ourselves accountable to our pledge. You can read Katya’s pledge here and Randy’s pledge here.   

The events of the past year, including the horrific, racially motivated shooting in Buffalo, New York in May, demonstrate how far we have to go in the fight for racial justice. In Equal Time, you will read about some of our efforts, as advocates for justice, to carry that fight to the communities we serve through our legal work.   

We hope you enjoy our report.